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Database Launch

Neo4j memory configuration

You will need to select the amount of memory Neo4j will be allowed to use, this is set within the NEO4J MEMORY LIMITS section of the common_parameters.env file; or through the docker run command.

It's hard to estimate but for optimal performance ram_to_provide_to_neo4j below should probably be around the size of the database on disk +10-20%, however it will run with significantly less than that (e.g. A 50-gene BGC was searched against the 500GB RefSeq database using only ram_to_provide_to_neo4j=5GB), it will just require more disk I/O which means it will become dependent on hard drive speed.

The size of the database on disk can be found by looking at the size of the "socialgene_neo4j/data" directory which is located where you specified --outdir when running the Nextflow workflow:

du -sh $outdir/socialgene_neo4j/data
10G    ./socialgene_neo4j/data

Noe4j can help you determine memory settings based on a given total RAM to make available. To do so run the following, substituting the amount of RAM you want to dedicate to Neo4j in ram_to_provide_to_neo4j. Continuing the example above, we'll set ram_to_provide_to_neo4j to 10GB plus 20%


docker run \
    --user="$(id -u)":"$(id -g)" \
    --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    chasemc2/sgnf-sgpy:$pipeline_version \
        neo4j-admin \
            server memory-recommendation \
                --memory=$ram_to_provide_to_neo4j \
                --verbose \

That will spit out a lot of text, but the important lines we'll steal are:


Which can be used to modifiy the respective lines of the docker command under the "Launching Neo4j" section below.

For more detailed info on memory settings in Neo4j refer to the Neo4j memrec documentation page.

Launching Neo4j

An example of launching the database directly: Set sg_neoloc below to the "neo4j" directory, this is the directory created by Nextflow workflow containing the folders "import", "data", etc And set the memory values to be the results from "Neo4j memory configuration" above.



mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/conf
# Allow import and export of files from database
echo 'apoc.export.file.enabled=true' > $sg_neoloc/conf/apoc.conf
echo 'apoc.import.file.enabled=true' >> $sg_neoloc/conf/apoc.conf
echo 'apoc.export.file.use_neo4j_config=false' >> $sg_neoloc/conf/apoc.conf
echo 'apoc.import.file.use_neo4j_config=false' >> $sg_neoloc/conf/apoc.conf
# Set import/export of files from database to $sg_neoloc/import
echo 'server.directories.import=/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/import' >> $sg_neoloc/conf/neo4j.conf
echo 'server.directories.export=/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/import' >> $sg_neoloc/conf/neo4j.conf
docker run \
    --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 \
    -v $sg_neoloc/data:/data \
    -v $sg_neoloc/logs:/logs \
    -v $sg_neoloc/import:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/import \
    -v $sg_neoloc/plugins:/plugins \
    -v $sg_neoloc/conf:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/conf \
        --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test12345 \
        --env NEO4J_PLUGINS='["apoc", "graph-data-science"]' \
        --env NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_unrestricted=algo.*,apoc.*,n10s.*,gds.*, \
        --env NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_allowlist=algo.*,apoc.*,n10s.*,gds.* \
        --env NEO4J_server_config_strict__validation_enabled=false \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_heap_initial__size=$NEO4J_server_memory_heap_initial__size \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_heap_max__size=$NEO4J_server_memory_heap_max__size \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_pagecache_size=$NEO4J_server_memory_pagecache_size \
        --env NEO4J_server_jvm_additional='-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' \

If you have paid for the enterprise version of Neo4j you can use the following:

docker run \
    --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
    -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 \
    -v $sg_neoloc/data:/data \
    -v $sg_neoloc/logs:/logs \
    -v $sg_neoloc/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import \
    -v $sg_neoloc/plugins:/plugins \
    -v $sg_neoloc/conf:/var/lib/neo4j/conf \
        --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test12345 \
        --env NEO4J_PLUGINS='["apoc", "graph-data-science"]' \
        --env NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_unrestricted=algo.*,apoc.*,n10s.*,gds.*, \
        --env NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_allowlist=algo.*,apoc.*,n10s.*,gds.* \
        --env NEO4J_server_config_strict__validation_enabled=false \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_heap_initial__size=$NEO4J_server_memory_heap_initial__size \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_heap_max__size=$NEO4J_server_memory_heap_max__size \
        --env NEO4J_server_memory_pagecache_size=$NEO4J_server_memory_pagecache_size \
        --env NEO4J_server_jvm_additional='-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' \
        --env NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT='yes' \

You can then open the Neo4j database in a web browser by typing localhost:7474 in the url bar.