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Docker and the Nextflow Pipeline

Overview of Docker images

The following Docker images are used in the Nextflow pipeline. While sgnf_sgpy is still a bit of an "everything but the kitchen sink" image, the idea is to have separate images for software like antiSMASH which has a large Docker image (to ensure it's only used when antiSMASH is being run) and HMMER which is run in a highly-parallel fashion and should have as small an image as possible.

Docker images:

  • sgnf_sgpy
    • bit of a kitchen sink container that contains SocialGene's python package (using pip/git), Neo4j, FASTA manipulation tools, DIAMOND, mmseqs2 and more
  • sgnf_minimal
    • small image only used for downloading files from the internet and simple file manipulation
  • sgnf_antismash
    • conda version of antismash; is labeled by the antismash version it contains
  • sgnf_hmmer
    • a minimial HMMER image
  • sgnf_hmmer_plus_dockerimage
    • contains HMMER and some extras for downloading/unzipping files, etc.

All of the docker images are automatically built and uploaded to DockerHub every time a new release of the Nextflow workflow is created. So there should always be a docker image version that matches the SocialGene Nextflow workflow version.

These docker image versions can also be set using workflow parameters to allow local custom images to be used/tested instead of the default (the version specified by the workflow manifest)

Workflow parameters:


For example, if I've created a local dev version of the "sgnf_sgpy" docker image docker build . -t -chasemc2/sgnf-sgpy:dev I could then run the pipeline using this image by using the Nextflow parameter: --sgnf_sgpy_dockerimage 'dev'