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Database Backups

Create a full database dump/backup

The following takes a database named "neo4j" found in database/location/socialgene_neo4j and creates a single dump file at database/location/socialgene_neo4j/backups/neo4j.dump. While it will be smaller than the space occupied by the database/location/socialgene_neo4j directory, the file can still be quite large.

# mkdir because the docker image will create dirs as root if they don't exist
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/backups

docker run \
    --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --rm \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/data:/data \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/backups:/backups \
    --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test \
    neo4j/neo4j-admin:5.16.0 \
        neo4j-admin database dump \
            --to-path=/backups \

Restore from a full database dump/backup

Given a Neo4j database dump file at path $dump_path, rehydrate the database inside directory $sg_neoloc.


# mkdir because the docker image will create dirs as root if they don't exist
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/data
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/logs
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/plugins
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/conf
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/import

docker run \
    --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --rm \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/data:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/data \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/plugins:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/plugins \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/logs:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/logs \
    --volume=$dump_path:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/neo4j.dump \
    --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test \
    chasemc2/sgnf-sgpy:$pipeline_version \
        neo4j-admin database load \
            --from-path=. \


The script below will create the database named as "neo4j", no matter what the $dump_path file name is. To change the db name you would have to modify both --volume=$dump_path:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/neo4j.dump \ and the last neo4j in the Docker command. Unless you are familiar with Neo4j, and want to load multiple databases at once, you should probably leave it as "neo4j".

Restore faster please

The rehydration step is quite I/O intensive. Therefore, for larger database dumps, and if you have enough spare RAM, it may be beneficial to copy the database dump file onto RAM first and then load/rehydrate so that read and write won't be occuring on the same hard drive. On Ubuntu Linux that would look something like this:


# copy the dump file to RAM
mkdir -p /dev/shm/social_gene_dump
cp $dump_path /dev/shm/social_gene_dump

# Change the $dump_path

# mkdir because the docker image will create dirs as root if they don't exist
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/data
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/logs
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/plugins
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/conf
mkdir -p $sg_neoloc/import

docker run \
    --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --rm \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/data:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/data \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/plugins:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/plugins \
    --volume=$sg_neoloc/logs:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/logs \
    --volume=$dump_path:/opt/conda/bin/neo4j/neo4j.dump \
    --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/test \
    chasemc2/sgnf-sgpy:$pipeline_version \
        neo4j-admin database load \
            --from-path=. \

More info

Ultraquickstart Example

A database dump generated from the ultraquickstart example can be found at

Launch the Database

After hydrating a database dump you can launch it using the directions in Database Launch